Course start dates and invitations to interview:
CELTA places are limited. We can accept a maximum of 12 trainees on a Face2Face or Mixed Mode CELTA course and a maximum of 18 trainees on a Fully Online CELTA course. We recommend that applicants select as many start dates as possible to avoid disappointment.
Successful candidates will be called to interview. All notifications will occur by email and candidates are required to submit a valid email address and ensure they check this regularly for updates throughout their application process.
Successful candidates will be called to interview. All notifications will occur by email and candidates are required to submit a valid email address and ensure they check this regularly for updates throughout their application process.
Candidate agreement to abide by the CELTA terms and conditions:
Please read the CELTA Terms and Conditions on this page and the Terms and Conditions for Online Purchases before you apply; submission of the CELTA Application form constitutes your agreement to abide by these CELTA terms and conditions.
In submitting your CELTA application form and making payment of the CELTA application fee you are placing an order for a service offered by English Language House and you are offering to purchase this service in accordance with clause 3.3 of our Terms and Conditions for Online Purchases.
When you apply for entry to the course our trainers will assess your suitability based on the work you submit. This must be your own work and must give an accurate indication of your knowledge, understanding and personal use of English.
Plagiarism, including the use of AI, is not permitted in any piece of work submitted for assessment.
Work you submit for assessment must be your own work and produced without assistance.
Candidates who submit an application with work that is not their own risk being denied entry to the course and, if found out during interview, their application fee is forfeited.
Plagiarism, including the use of AI, is not permitted in any piece of work submitted for assessment.
Work you submit for assessment must be your own work and produced without assistance.
Candidates who submit an application with work that is not their own risk being denied entry to the course and, if found out during interview, their application fee is forfeited.
If you have any questions about our Terms and Conditions please email us before you submit your application.
We recommend that candidates apply 8+ weeks in advance of the start date/s of the CELTA course they have selected. This is to allow sufficient time for:
It is important to read this information thoroughly before you apply and to ask any questions you might have before you submit your application and make any payment. After you submit your application form and pre interview task:
Elh will use Email, WhatsApp and telephone to make contact with you prior to and during the course. It is essential that you give Elh your correct contact details. If your contact details change you must ensure that you email us your updated contact information. Elh cannot be held responsible if we are unsuccessful in contacting you because you have provided us with incorrect or out-of-date contact details. COURSE START DATE SELECTION
You can see a draft version of the schedule in our webpage entitled: CELTA dates and fees. The CELTA timetable and location of lessons will be shared with you via Onedrive at the start of the course.
As with all CELTA centres, English Language House will run courses for which there is sufficient student intake. To ensure that we can offer as many candidates the opportunity to attend the course, we conduct our application, assessment and interview procedure as follows: Candidates are asked to select as many course start dates as possible. They then submit their application form and pre interview task which are used by our trainers to assess a candidate's suitability for entry to the course. On submitting a successful application:
You must ensure that the course/s you have selected are an accurate indication of the dates and times you can attend. Should this change you need to inform Elh in writing as soon as possible and, if possible, we can try to help. POST INTERVIEW PROCEDURE
After your interview the majority of candidates will be sent an "offer" by email. This may be "conditional" or "unconditional". Candidates will need to respond to their offer and pay the course fees as required in order to secure their place on the course.
The purpose of a "conditional offer" is to ensure that candidates are fully aware of any problems they would need to address prior to entry which may hamper them from completing the course successfully. The conditional offer gives candidates the opportunity to resolve these problems in order that they can achieve the best possible result when they attend the course. |
Before your interview:
If ELH cancels a particular start date:
If a candidate changes his/her mind:
Elh needs to inform Cambridge English in advance which CELTA courses we will run and we rely on candidates giving us accurate information about the dates and times they can attend. When candidates choose their start date/s this is understood to be a true and accurate indication of the date/s candidates can attend.
If a candidate wants to withdraw:
If there is a delay in the start date:
If Elh cannot offer you a place on any of your chosen start dates and if you do not agree to an alternative start date Elh will refund your application fee. However, if Elh needs to delay a start date by a few days due to circumstances beyond their control, no refund will be issued. EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES
Although candidates who withdraw are not entitled to a refund, in “exceptional circumstances” candidates may, at Elh's at discretion, be given a credit note to be used to attend a future course. Candidates who have started a course and are unable to complete may sometimes be given permission to defer completion to a later date. Deferrals must always be approved by Cambridge. Candidates must explain in writing the “exceptional circumstances” they want us to consider and must provide proof to authenticate what they claim eg hospital admission for emergency operation, etc Elh will always try to help, whenever possible, so that candidates can complete the course successfully. COOLING OFF PERIOD
Your cooling off period is 14 days after submitting your application form. If you wish to withdraw your application you should do so in writing. Note 7.0 above, which deals with “changing your mind about your start dates’.
Your 14 day cooling off period after application:
After the cooling off period you cannot cancel your course and you will be liable for the full course fees when issued with an "unconditional offer". If during these 14 days you decide to cancel, you must email the Elh office as follows: “My name is …………………. and I applied for the CELTA course at Elh. I am no longer interested in attending this course. Please can you cancel my application.” |
Read the "Candidate agreement and declaration" below and then sign the CELTA CANDIDATE AGREEMENT form at the bottom of this page to show you agree:
Candidate agreement and declaration.
a) I understand and acknowledge that:
b) I understand and acknowledge that:
c) I understand that:
d) I understand that there are differences between live online and face2face teaching. These will include differences in planning, classroom management and delivery of materials in the class and will require adjustments in methodology. I acknowledge that the tutors will refer to both modes of delivery (face2face and online delivery) during the course, so that I am prepared as much as possible to teach in both environments.
e) I understand that during (i) the Online course I will need to spend a considerable amount of screen time due to the online delivery of the CELTA course and that I need to have essential technical skills and equipment including a desk top computer or lap top, stable internet access, a suitable work space and suitable audio/visual accessories. I confirm I have read, understood and can meet the technical requirements set out in the course information
f) I will be required to attend the whole course: input, teaching practice, observations, etc. and that the course is intensive in nature and will require resilience. I will therefore need to be in good physical and emotional health at the beginning and – in so far as is possible - throughout the course
g) For (i) the Online 5 week course, in addition to attending online classes and online teaching practice, it will be necessary for me to allocate at least an extra 20 hours per week for homework, reading, written assignments and lesson preparation for the duration of the course. Similarly when attending any Face2Face, Online or Mixed Mode course it will be necessary to allocate extra hours per week to complete all aspects of the course. I understand that I may need to spend an additional:
h) I will be required to undertake a minimum of 6 hours of online teaching practice.
i) I will be required to undertake a minimum of 6 hours’ observation of experienced teachers, both with recorded material and during teachers’ scheduled teaching hours.
j) I will be required to complete four written CELTA assignments and submit/upload the assignments to meet the deadlines. I may be asked to resubmit part or all of these assignments in order to pass the assignment specifications.
k) Attendance on the course does not guarantee that I will ultimately attain the necessary standard required to pass the course.
l) Previous academic study and/or teaching experience will not necessarily benefit me and will certainly not reduce the workload.
m) The CELTA assessment is made not only on my ability to plan teach and my language awareness, but also on my overall professional attitude, punctuality and behaviour.
- When I apply for entry to the course the Elh trainers will assess my suitability based on the work I submit. This will be my own work and will give an accurate indication of my knowledge, understanding and personal use of English.
- Plagiarism, including the use of AI, is not permitted in any piece of work I submit for assessment.
- Work that I submit for assessment will be my own work and produced without assistance.
- If I submit an application with work that is not my own I risk being denied entry to the course and, if this is found out during my interview, my application fee will be forfeited.
b) I understand and acknowledge that:
- (i) the Online course is a fully online CELTA course,
- (ii) the Face2Face course is fully face2face and
- (iii) the Mixed Mode course is a combination of both.
c) I understand that:
- If I choose (i) the Online CELTA at English Language House, (a) the course input may be delivered online via Cambridge Moodle and/or via Zoom (b) all of my teaching practice will be in an online environment ie via Zoom or Microsoft teams (c) my course tutors will make every effort to relate online teaching techniques and methodology to face-to-face teaching.
- If I choose (ii) the Face2Face CELTA at English Language House, (a) the course input may be delivered onsite either face2face or via Cambridge Moodle (b) all of my teaching practice will be in a face-to-face environment (c) my tutors will make every effort to relate face-to-face teaching techniques and methodology to online teaching.,
- If I choose (iii) the Mixed Mode CELTA at English Language House, (a) the course input will be delivered face2face onsite and/or online via Cambridge Moodle and/or Live online via Zoom (b) that teaching practice will take place in both Live online and during face2face classes.
d) I understand that there are differences between live online and face2face teaching. These will include differences in planning, classroom management and delivery of materials in the class and will require adjustments in methodology. I acknowledge that the tutors will refer to both modes of delivery (face2face and online delivery) during the course, so that I am prepared as much as possible to teach in both environments.
e) I understand that during (i) the Online course I will need to spend a considerable amount of screen time due to the online delivery of the CELTA course and that I need to have essential technical skills and equipment including a desk top computer or lap top, stable internet access, a suitable work space and suitable audio/visual accessories. I confirm I have read, understood and can meet the technical requirements set out in the course information
f) I will be required to attend the whole course: input, teaching practice, observations, etc. and that the course is intensive in nature and will require resilience. I will therefore need to be in good physical and emotional health at the beginning and – in so far as is possible - throughout the course
g) For (i) the Online 5 week course, in addition to attending online classes and online teaching practice, it will be necessary for me to allocate at least an extra 20 hours per week for homework, reading, written assignments and lesson preparation for the duration of the course. Similarly when attending any Face2Face, Online or Mixed Mode course it will be necessary to allocate extra hours per week to complete all aspects of the course. I understand that I may need to spend an additional:
- 6 to 8+ hours per week if attending a 20 week course
- 10+ hours per week if attending a 15 week course
- 15+ hours per week if attending a 10 week course
- 20+ hours per week if attending an intensive course.
h) I will be required to undertake a minimum of 6 hours of online teaching practice.
i) I will be required to undertake a minimum of 6 hours’ observation of experienced teachers, both with recorded material and during teachers’ scheduled teaching hours.
j) I will be required to complete four written CELTA assignments and submit/upload the assignments to meet the deadlines. I may be asked to resubmit part or all of these assignments in order to pass the assignment specifications.
k) Attendance on the course does not guarantee that I will ultimately attain the necessary standard required to pass the course.
l) Previous academic study and/or teaching experience will not necessarily benefit me and will certainly not reduce the workload.
m) The CELTA assessment is made not only on my ability to plan teach and my language awareness, but also on my overall professional attitude, punctuality and behaviour.
You can see our dedicated CELTA website here. Some pages are password protected and only CELTA trainees will have access to these.