To keep students safe and especially students who are under the age of 18, English Language House has the following policies:
Under 18 year old are children under English Law and this policy relates to the care of all students but especially under 18 year olds (ie children) studying at English Language House.
Welfare policy for students under 18:
The Children Act 1989 defines a ‘child’ as a person under the age of 18. The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 regard a ‘child’ as a person who is not over the minimum school leaving age and a ‘young person’ as a person who has not attained the age of 18.
English Language House will try to meet, and where possible exceed, its ‘Duty of Care’ to all students.
Where the student is under 18, the duty of care is likely to extend to taking the care that a reasonably prudent or careful parent would take of his or her children in the circumstances.
English Language House understands that under 18s from overseas may not have the same knowledge or experience of the UK as home students so may be more vulnerable to harm than home students of the same age. All children and young people have the right to protection from abuse, freedom from injury and a safe and healthy environment while under the care of English Language House.
English Language House is committed to providing, as far as is reasonably practicable, an environment that is safe from harm for those under the age of 18.
We will:
English Language House undertakes to review this policy on a regular basis, and in the light of new knowledge, changing legislation and changing operational procedures.
Last updated: Oct 2021
English Language House will try to meet, and where possible exceed, its ‘Duty of Care’ to all students.
Where the student is under 18, the duty of care is likely to extend to taking the care that a reasonably prudent or careful parent would take of his or her children in the circumstances.
English Language House understands that under 18s from overseas may not have the same knowledge or experience of the UK as home students so may be more vulnerable to harm than home students of the same age. All children and young people have the right to protection from abuse, freedom from injury and a safe and healthy environment while under the care of English Language House.
English Language House is committed to providing, as far as is reasonably practicable, an environment that is safe from harm for those under the age of 18.
We will:
- Incorporate good practice guidelines from accreditation bodies and government into existing procedures;
- Ensure parents are provided with all necessary information to enable them to make an informed choice and understand the provisions made for their children on English Language House programmes.
- Have effective systems in place to ensure that our facilities, processes and activities take account of the students health, safety and welfare requirements;
- Have controls in place to ensure the health and safety of students on all off-site activities;
- Ensure that there are clear rules appropriate to the ages of the students for what they may do outside scheduled activities;
- Follow safer recruitment procedures to check the suitability of staff working with students under 18;
- Have clear codes of conduct in place for students, staff and other adults who may come in contact with under 18s;
- Have Contract agreements with host facilities, subcontractors and other service providers to ensure that they conform to English Language House’s standards for health, safety and welfare provision for under 18s;
- Check that all accommodation is suitable and safe for young international students to be placed there;
- Provide appropriate staff training, guidance and procedures to meet the academic and pastoral needs of young international students;
- Provide information, guidance and support for students under the age of 18 in such circumstances where a responsible adult is required;
- Ensure suitable supervision, management and control systems to avoid the risk of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect.
- Have clear procedures in place
- Share relevant information with external safeguarding agencies as required by Working Together to Safeguard Children (December 2020) and Keeping Children Safe In Education (January 2021)
- Encourage staff to share in confidence with a designated person any concerns they may have about another member of staff’s behaviour;
- Monitor regularly and review all operations to confirm adherence to English Language House’s and legislative requirements.
English Language House undertakes to review this policy on a regular basis, and in the light of new knowledge, changing legislation and changing operational procedures.
Last updated: Oct 2021