One2One Face2Face lessons
Maximum of 1 student per class
Price per person per hour
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £45 per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £52 per hour
You can see more information about our One2One lessons and choose what you prefer.
Two2One Face2Face lessons
Maximum of 2 students per class
Price per person per hour
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £29 per person per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £35 per person per hour
You can see more information about our Two2One lessons and choose what you prefer. The two students must book together to study a Two2One programme.
Three2One Face2Face lessons
Maximum of 3 students per class
Price per person per hour
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £21 per person per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £27 per person per hour
You can see more information about our Three2One lessons and choose what you prefer. The three students must book together to study a Three2One programme.
Group Face2Face lessons
Maximum of 10 students per class.
Price per person per hour
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £18 per person per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £21 per person per hour if there are spaces in the class.
You can see more information about our group lessons and choose what you prefer from the list of English programmes available.