Equal Opportunities
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICY - document last updated Jan.2019
ELH is an equal opportunity employer. It is committed to providing equal opportunities throughout employment, including recruitment, training and promotion of staff and to eliminating discrimination in the workplace, whether on grounds of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, race, colour, national or ethnic origins, nationality, religion, or disability. All job applicants and staff are treated equally and ELH makes every effort to make reasonable adjustments where appropriate for disabled applicants and workers.
ELH’s aim is to ensure that our workers are selected, trained, promoted or otherwise treated according to their own merits and abilities.
Everyone who works for ELH (whether employed or not) has a responsibility to ensure that the ELH’s equal opportunities policy is properly observed and fully complied with. ELH will not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment in the workplace. Anyone found to be responsible for an act of discrimination, bullying or harassment will be dealt with through ELH’s disciplinary procedure which may result in dismissal.
If you believe that you have been the victim of discrimination, bullying or harassment you should raise the issue through ELH’s grievance procedure. ELH is concerned to ensure that you feel able to raise any such issue and in confidence, and that you will not be penalised for raising it unless it is untrue or brought in bad faith.
ELH is an equal opportunity employer. It is committed to providing equal opportunities throughout employment, including recruitment, training and promotion of staff and to eliminating discrimination in the workplace, whether on grounds of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age, race, colour, national or ethnic origins, nationality, religion, or disability. All job applicants and staff are treated equally and ELH makes every effort to make reasonable adjustments where appropriate for disabled applicants and workers.
ELH’s aim is to ensure that our workers are selected, trained, promoted or otherwise treated according to their own merits and abilities.
Everyone who works for ELH (whether employed or not) has a responsibility to ensure that the ELH’s equal opportunities policy is properly observed and fully complied with. ELH will not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment in the workplace. Anyone found to be responsible for an act of discrimination, bullying or harassment will be dealt with through ELH’s disciplinary procedure which may result in dismissal.
If you believe that you have been the victim of discrimination, bullying or harassment you should raise the issue through ELH’s grievance procedure. ELH is concerned to ensure that you feel able to raise any such issue and in confidence, and that you will not be penalised for raising it unless it is untrue or brought in bad faith.