One2One Live Online lessons
Maximum of 1 student per class
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £39 per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £45 per hour
Two2One Live Online lessons
Maximum of 2 students per class
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £19 per person per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £25 per person per hour
You can see more information about our Two2One lessons and choose what you prefer. The two students must book together to study a Two2One programme.
Three2One Live Online lessons
Maximum of 3 students per class
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay £21 per person per hour
- Book 20 hours or more and pay £17 per person per hour
- Book 25 hours or more and pay £15 per person per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay £29 per person per hour
You can see more information about our Three2One lessons and choose what you prefer. The three students must book together to study a Three2One programme.
Group lessons
Maximum of 10 students per class.
Price per person per hour
- Book 12 hours or more and pay from £15 per person per hour
- Book less than 12 hours and pay from £18 per person per hour
You can see more information about our group lessons and choose what you prefer from the list of English programmes available.