Health and Safety Policy
ELH Health and Safety Policy - document last updated January 2021
Ultimate Responsibility: Tatiana Vassilakis (Director ELH)
Delegated persons: Clare Hampshire (DOS)
First Aiders: Mihaela Dimitriu (DOA)
Fire Marshall: Mihaela Dimitriu (DOA)
General Guidelines
It is the policy of ELH, so far as is reasonably practicable, to:
Responsibility of the DOA
The DOA is responsible for implementing this policy within the school. In particular they will:
N.B. The DOA will deal with all aspects of maintenance which are under their control and report to the Proprietor any other situation identified as being unsafe or hazardous and which cannot be remedied within the financial resources available to them;
Duties of the Persons Delegated to Assist in the Management of Health and Safety. Currently these duties are undertaken by the DOA.
The delegated persons, shall:
Responsibilities of Staff Towards Pupils and Others in their Care
All staff are responsible for the health and safety arrangements in relation to staff and students under their supervision. In particular, they will monitor their own work activities and take all reasonable steps to:
Responsibilities of all Employees
All employees have a responsibility under the Health and safety at Work Act to:
Please note the following:-
Responsibilities of Students
All students are expected, within their expertise and ability, to:
Regular visitors and other users of the premises (e.g. contractors and delivery men) are expected, as far as reasonably possible, to observe the safety rules of the school.
It is the responsibility for the Building Proprietors to ensure that:
Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Fire Prevention Equipment
Arrangements are made by the Building Proprietors to regularly monitor the condition of all fire prevention equipment. This would include the regular visual inspection of fire extinguishers and the fire alarm system.
The DOA and DOS should be kept informed and updated by the Building Proprietors with regard to these arrangements and their inspection findings.
First Aid and Accident Reporting Procedures
Ultimate Responsibility: Tatiana Vassilakis (Director ELH)
Delegated persons: Clare Hampshire (DOS)
First Aiders: Mihaela Dimitriu (DOA)
Fire Marshall: Mihaela Dimitriu (DOA)
General Guidelines
It is the policy of ELH, so far as is reasonably practicable, to:
- Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the school;
- Establish and maintain safe working procedures among staff and pupils;
- Make arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
- Ensure the provision of sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all employees and pupils to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own health and safety and to ensure that they have access to health and safety training as appropriate or as and when provided;
- Maintain all areas in a condition that is safe and without risk to health and to provide and maintain means of access to and egress from that place of work and study that are safe and without risk;
- Formulate effective procedures for use in case of fire and for evacuating the school premises;
- Lay down procedures to be followed in case of accident;
Responsibility of the DOA
The DOA is responsible for implementing this policy within the school. In particular they will:
- Monitor the effectiveness of the safety policy and the safe working practices described within it and shall revise and amend it, as necessary, on a regular basis;
- Prepare an emergency evacuation procedure and arrange for periodic practice evacuation drills (normally at least once a term) to take place and for the results of these to be recorded;
- Make arrangements to draw the attention of all staff employed at the school to the school and Health & Safety policies and procedures.
- Make arrangements for informing staff and pupils, of relevant safety procedures. Other users of the school will be appropriately informed;
- Ensure that regular safety inspections are undertaken.
- Arrange for the withdrawal, repair or replacement of any item of furniture, fitting or equipment identified as being unsafe.
- The DOA will report to the Proprietor any defect in the state of repair of the buildings or their surrounds which is identified as being unsafe and make such interim arrangements as are reasonable to limit the risk entailed.
N.B. The DOA will deal with all aspects of maintenance which are under their control and report to the Proprietor any other situation identified as being unsafe or hazardous and which cannot be remedied within the financial resources available to them;
- Monitor, within the limits of their expertise, the activities of contractors, hirers and other organisations present on site, as far as is reasonably practicable;
- Identify any member of staff having direct responsibility for particular safety matters.
Duties of the Persons Delegated to Assist in the Management of Health and Safety. Currently these duties are undertaken by the DOA.
The delegated persons, shall:
- Implement, monitor and develop the safety policy within the school;
- Monitor general advice on safety matters given by the Local Authority and other relevant bodies and advise on its application to the school;
- Co-ordinate arrangements for the design and implementation of safe working practices within the school;
- Investigate any specific health and safety problem identified within the school and take or recommend (as appropriate) remedial action;
- When required, order that a method of working ceases on health and safety grounds on a temporary basis.
- Assist in carrying out regular safety inspections of the school and its activities and make recommendations on methods of resolving any problems identified;
- Ensure that staff with control of resources (both financial and other) give due regard to safety;
- Co-ordinate arrangements for the dissemination of information and for the instruction of employees, students, pupils and visitors on safety matters and to make recommendations on the extent to which staff are trained.
Responsibilities of Staff Towards Pupils and Others in their Care
All staff are responsible for the health and safety arrangements in relation to staff and students under their supervision. In particular, they will monitor their own work activities and take all reasonable steps to:
- Exercise effective supervision over all those for whom they are responsible, including students;
- Be aware of and implement safe working practices and to set a good example personally. Identify actual and potential hazards and introduce procedures to minimise the possibility of mishap;
- Ensure that any equipment or tools used are appropriate to that use and meet accepted safety standards;
- Provide appropriate protective clothing and safety equipment as necessary and ensure that these are used as required;
- Minimise the occasions when an individual is required to work in isolation, particularly in a hazardous situation or on a hazardous process;
- Evaluate promptly and, where appropriate, take action on criticism of health and safety arrangements;
- Provide the opportunity for discussion of health and safety arrangements;
- Investigate any accident (or incident where personal injury could have arisen) and take appropriate corrective action;
- Provide for adequate instruction, information and training in safe working methods and recommend suitable "off the job" training;
Responsibilities of all Employees
All employees have a responsibility under the Health and safety at Work Act to:
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of any person who might be affected by their acts or omissions at work;
- Co-operate with the DOA and DOS and others in meeting statutory requirements. Not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare;
- Make themselves aware of all safety rules, procedures and safe working practices applicable to their posts; where in doubt they must seek immediate clarification from the DOA or DOS;
- Ensure that tools and equipment are in good condition and report any defects to the DOA or DOS;
- Use protective clothing and safety equipment provided and ensure that the building’s management team keep these in good condition and if they are not report this to the DOA and DOS and follow this up with a written report to Simon, Bob and Woody which is also cc’d to MD and CH.
- Ensure that offices and classrooms are kept tidy;
- Ensure that any accidents, whether or not an injury occurs, and potential hazards are reported to the DOA or DOS.
Please note the following:-
- It must be realised that newly appointed employees could be particularly vulnerable to any risk and it must be ensured that all relevant health and safety matters are drawn to their attention at an early stage and especially during their induction period. Induction is conducted mostly by the DOS for new teaching staff and the DOA for new admin staff. It is the responsibility of the DOA to ensure that all new staff have undergone the appropriate induction.
Responsibilities of Students
All students are expected, within their expertise and ability, to:
- Exercise personal responsibility for the safety of themselves and their fellow students;
- Observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/or hygiene (this would preclude unsuitable footwear, knives and other items considered dangerous;
- Observe all the safety rules of the school and in particular the instructions of the teaching staff in the event of an emergency;
- Use and not willfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for safety purposes.
Regular visitors and other users of the premises (e.g. contractors and delivery men) are expected, as far as reasonably possible, to observe the safety rules of the school.
It is the responsibility for the Building Proprietors to ensure that:
- Fire escape routes and exits are clearly marked for the benefit of unfamiliar users of the building, particularly during the hours of darkness;
- Hirers of the building are briefed about the location of the telephone, fire escape routes, fire alarms and fire fighting equipment. Notices regarding emergency procedures should be prominently displayed;
- Hirers using any equipment or facility provided by the school are familiar with its safe use and, if necessary, briefed accordingly;
- Arrangements are made for checking the security and condition of the premises and equipment used after vacation by the hirer or his staff.
Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures
- The school's procedures for fire and emergency evacuation are posted on school notice boards.
- These procedures will be updated as appropriate.
- The logbook for the recording and evaluation of practice and evacuation drills is available.
Fire Prevention Equipment
Arrangements are made by the Building Proprietors to regularly monitor the condition of all fire prevention equipment. This would include the regular visual inspection of fire extinguishers and the fire alarm system.
The DOA and DOS should be kept informed and updated by the Building Proprietors with regard to these arrangements and their inspection findings.
First Aid and Accident Reporting Procedures
- The name of the first aid person/people is prominently displayed on notice-boards
- The person responsible for administering the accident reporting procedure, the notification of serious accidents causing death or major injury and dangerous occurrences are the First aiders. The accident book will be filled out by First Aiders with a statement (where appropriate) from the person injured. The Accident Book can be found in the ELH Office.
- The arrangements for first aid for sports, outdoor pursuits and field trips are the responsibility of the supervising staff. These arrangements will be checked by the DOA before authorisation for the trip or outdoor pursuit is given.