Expulsion - Why we may ask a students to leave the school:
Expulsion for adults students - information taken from the Terms and conditions document
Our Rules state that:
12.3 All students must:
12.3 All students must:
- Attend all classes, complete assignments and homework, unless they are ill
- Inform the School of any changes of address or circumstances while at Elh
- Obey Elh procedures as explained at the beginning of their course
- Observe fire procedures
- Comply with all UK laws and visa restrictions
- Behave appropriately towards students aged under 18 who are considered to be children in UK law
- Smoke only in designated areas
- Never buy alcohol, cigarettes (including electronic cigarettes) or tobacco for students under 18 or give alcohol to under 18s
- Not allow students under 18 to visit Elh adult homestay / residences for students aged 18 and over
12.6 We reserve the right to ask students to leave Elh immediately and with no refund of fees for these reasons:
- Breaking any of our rules governing their behaviour with under 18s
- Not attending classes regularly
- Serious anti-social behaviour (e.g. verbal abuse or rudeness, drunkenness, sexual harassment, violence, assault)
- Bullying, intimidating or threatening behaviour of any sort
- Proof of or admission to an illegal act (e.g. theft, assault, drink driving, possession or use of illegal drugs or offensive weapons – such as knives, guns or other object with intent to cause harm etc.)
- Breaking any UK law
- Interference with fire or safety equipment and procedures
- Misuse of computers or downloading of any offensive material
- Any other act that brings the name of Elh into disrepute
- Refusal to obey reasonable requests from a member of Senior Staff
Expulsion for under 18 students - information taken from the Terms and conditions for under 18s document
Our Rules state that:
12.3 All students must:
12.5i Students aged 16 and 17 are considered to be children in the UK and must:
12.5ii All students who are under 16:
12.6 We reserve the right to ask students to leave Elh immediately and with no refund of fees for these reasons:
12.7 The Director of Studies, the Director of Administration or the Director ELH may recommend that a student is not re-admitted to ELH. Reasons for this include the following:
12.8 Discipline: If the problem concerns behaviour in class your teacher will speak to you. If there is no improvement, a senior member of Elh staff will speak to you. A formal warning may be given to you, and your parents/sponsor will be informed. If there is a very serious problem you may be asked to leave Elh (expelled) without a refund of fees.
12.3 All students must:
- Attend all classes, complete assignments and homework, unless they are ill
- Inform the School of any changes of address or circumstances while at Elh
- Obey Elh procedures as explained at the beginning of their course
- Observe fire procedures
- Comply with all UK laws and visa restrictions
12.5i Students aged 16 and 17 are considered to be children in the UK and must:
- Return to their Elh accommodation by 23:00 hours every evening.
- Inform their homestay Supervisor in advance if they are taking part in an Elh trip or activity that will finish later than 23:00.
- Not buy or consume alcohol, cigarettes (including electronic cigarettes) or tobacco as the minimum age to purchase this in the UK is 18
- Have written permission from their parent or guardian to join day trips booked by ELH, but organised and run by an Independent travel company.
- Not be absent overnight or go on holiday without informing the ELH Office who will contact parents for written permission
- Not move out of Elh accommodation without written permission from their parent
12.5ii All students who are under 16:
- must not leave the school or be absent from meals in homestay without permission from the DOA.
- attend all lessons and activities.
- must observe the rules relating to IT software.
- must observe bedtimes, and silence must be maintained in bedrooms after lights out at night.
- must not enter into the bedrooms occupied by adults or students of the opposite sex. We will not tolerate any bullying. In serious cases students may be sent home.
- must not misuse school or homestay facilities including the activation of alarms without due cause. Fire escapes are for emergency use only.
- must switch off Mobile phone, iPods and other electronic devices during lessons, activities and after lights out.
- must not smoke! Smoking is not allowed on any Elh U16s courses at any time. Electronic cigarettes are not permitted.
- must hand in their airline tickets, passports, pocket money and credit cards for safekeeping to the DOA.
- must keep all other valuables safely locked away, or hand them in to the DOA for safekeeping.
- must never try to buy, get or supply alcohol or illegal drugs. Students who are found to possess, use or supply alcohol or illegal drugs will be sent home with no refund of fees.
12.6 We reserve the right to ask students to leave Elh immediately and with no refund of fees for these reasons:
- Not attending classes regularly
- Serious anti-social behaviour (e.g. verbal abuse or rudeness, drunkenness, sexual harassment, violence, assault)
- Bullying, intimidating or threatening behaviour of any sort
- Proof of or admission to an illegal act (e.g. theft, assault, drink driving, possession or use of illegal drugs or offensive weapons – such as knives, guns or other object with intent to cause harm etc.)
- Breaking any UK law
- Interference with fire or safety equipment and procedures
- Misuse of computers or downloading of any offensive material
- Any other act that brings the name of Elh into disrepute
- Refusal to obey reasonable requests from a member of Senior Staff
12.7 The Director of Studies, the Director of Administration or the Director ELH may recommend that a student is not re-admitted to ELH. Reasons for this include the following:
- Lack of academic progress in spite of everyone’s best efforts
- Illness making it impossible for the student to get full benefit from the course
- Poor attendance and lack of commitment to the previous course
- A poor disciplinary record in class
- Behaviour in School or accommodation which is inappropriate, disruptive or disturbing to others
- Failure to pay fees
- Breaking any UK law
12.8 Discipline: If the problem concerns behaviour in class your teacher will speak to you. If there is no improvement, a senior member of Elh staff will speak to you. A formal warning may be given to you, and your parents/sponsor will be informed. If there is a very serious problem you may be asked to leave Elh (expelled) without a refund of fees.